‘I enjoy those slightly different cases’

Tessa ter Beest, Formalities Officer

‘I enjoy those slightly different cases’

Tessa ter Beest, Formalities Officer

Tessa ter Beest BSc

With a background in Biomedical sciences (neurobiology) and art history, it took a while until I decided to start working at a patent office.

Still, the position of formalities officer is perfect for me. I have a curious nature and I like detailed work, so I enjoy those ‘slightly different cases’ that arise due to all the exceptions to the rules in patent law.

But what I like most is the social interaction with my colleagues, and the customer contact in the different corners of the world that I expect to develop along the way!

More about Tessa

  • Employed

    by Patentwerk since 2020

    by Patentwerk since 2020

  • Education

    Art history, Biomedical sciences, Neurobiology

    Art history, Biomedical sciences, Neurobiology
